Thursday, January 21, 2010


I've been wanting to help out with everything going on in Haiti but have felt quite helpless. Well, I just found the perfect opportunity! Everyone should check this out. Etsy, if you haven't heard of it is a site based for artists to setup shop for their talents, have come together and created a shop for Haiti section. Many artist have donated some of their items to the shop for anyone and everyone to buy. ALL proceeds go to the Doctors Without Borders. The shop contains cute kids stuff, home, art and more. You don't even need to have a shop if you want to donate handmade items. If you're not the creative type, no worries, you can just buy! Check it out!! Here are some of my favorites.

Black and White Brocade Coptic bound book
Prayer Journal, Diary, Client Log...
Harry the Sock Monkey
What kid doesn't want a sock monkey?
coin purse
No more loose change...
bird onesie

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