Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Womanly Art

Remember back in February when I told you I was starting to teach an art class at the Bowery Mission Women's Center? Well, I've been teaching weekly and I look forward to it every week because of these women. I finally took some pics yesterday of a few of the women and their art work.

She worked on this for 2 months and says she's going to hang it in her kitchen once she graduates so she knows where she came from.
This is a picture of what was fashionable for women where she grew up.
I wish I had the finished pic because it was great!

She grew up around NYC and has wonderful stories each week from what NYC used to be like


  1. What wonderful art work! I'm sure there's a lot of happiness in that room each week when everyone is engaged in their paintings!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great blog!! Thanks for sharing these women's art with us! It is wonderful to see what is going on each week at Bowery Women's Center!

  3. Becca you are awesome to do this and I know it must be so rewarding and fun for you. I love their artwork and wish I could be taught so well. Thankyou for following up on this ministry, because I have thought of it often and wondered if it had worked out well. Love, Rhonda

  4. they are all so talented! what a blessing it must be for you to share your gifts with them!

  5. These women are such blessings to me. Thanks for the encouragement!
