Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Yesterday was one of those days where it was nice to be in the apartment and not have anything pressing to get done. It snowed a bit yesterday (which seemed like the norm across the East Coast) and so I was able to do some internet searching. I found some pretty cute Christmas gifts for the little ones. Take a look...

$36-$46 each






  1. Or www.tegu.com. What kid doesn't love wooden blocks and magnets???

  2. I love all toys! Check out this new blog, http://southernstitchesbykcm.blogspot.com/ for great baby gift ideas. I just gave a burp cloth and onezie.

  3. Oh its Kacee's blog?! I didn't know she did this. And good call- how could i have forgotten about Tegu?!!!

  4. Great picks! I still need to buy for my 5 year old nephew...hmm
