Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tragedy at Episcopal

Yesterday was a very sad day around Jacksonville, FL. Dale Regan, my private high school's Headmaster was murdered in her office by a teacher who had been fired the previous day. Ms. Regan had been at Episcopal for more than 30 years and was known as a visionary leader. Just to prove how much she was respected by students, my entire news feed on Facebook was friends talking about personal stories Ms Regan had played in their lives. Whether it being helping getting into colleges or just stopping to say "hi" in the hallways. It's a sad day for the Episcopal community in Jacksonville. If you would like to read more about it click here or here. Please be praying for Ms Regan's family as well the teacher's family. 

Killed: Dale Regan, the headmistress of a Florida school, was shot dead by a man who is believed to be a former employee. He then shot himself dead

One of my best friends is a teacher at Episcopal and posted this very fitting song yesterday after she was finally able to go home.

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