Monday, May 2, 2011


God Bless America!!

I was already in bed when Hubs told me Osama Bin Laden was dead. As we started watching the news and waiting for Obama to make his speech we decided we needed to go down to Ground Zero. Luckily, we're within walking distance. When we first got there it was us and about 10 others waiting for the crowds to arrive. We walked to the firehouse next to ground zero and saw people lighting candles next to the memorial at the station. Others were popping champagne! As it got later, people came running along with the news vans. There were TONS of American flags which seeing the flags led to spontaneous singing of the National Anthem, God Bless America, and every other American song you can think of. Last night was incredibly joyous and yet sad considering the past loss. I can't put into words what it was like to be down at Ground Zero with fellow American and New Yorkers but I do know that I'll never forget it!

Ground Zero
Our New Champagne popping friends
This Fire Station alone lost 343 men

Broke out into song seeing the flag
NBC reporting
Excited - the building of the world trade center behind me


  1. What a memorable night that must have been to be at Ground Zero to celebrate with those who lost so much there on Sept.11!

  2. God Bless America. God Bless the two of you for going down there. All of us were there with you in spirit and we are so so glad you were there. Thanks!!!

  3. This blog post really touched me and I just think it is so awesome that you and Ben got to experience that. Rhonda
