We have 2 new additions to the family! Take a look at Miss Purple and The Stinging Bee hanging out in Central Park on their very own tree...
Now we've only had them for 2 days but those two days have been glorious! Mom and Dad got them for us for Hubs' and my birthday, which are almost exactly 1 month apart. Since life up here in the city is constantly changing we decided on some "non-expensive" bikes. Yep, Walmart.com. So far they are exactly what we want. 2 days after ordering them they arrived and were ready to be put together. Hubs took the reigns and did a speedy and fantastic job. Obviously. So if you're in the bike market and don't need a super fancy bike - Walmart.com. The bikes have opened our city-life world! How you ask? Well, first off we were/are able to ride (not "ride" on subway) up to Central Park and spend the day relaxing, which we did on Saturday. Also, here are some other ways..
We can now hop on our bikes and be at the southern tip of the island in 15 minutes - all while being above ground

Freedom on the roads

We also found sights we never would have known about -
Pier 17 (a bit touristy but a totally different feel than what we're used to in NYC) as well as some restaurants on the back streets that we'll actually go back to one day. Pirate ships in NYC?!

We were then led here -
Staten Island Ferry (free) and we definitely suggest taking a ride. Even if you immediately get back on and come right back to the city. It has great great views of the skyline as well as the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

Across the street from the burger joint just so happened to be the
Staten Island Yankees stadium which also happened to have a college game going on - for free! So we took our burgers/hot dogs across the street and watched a little baseball. Take a look at that view!

But alas, we had to come home sometime and so we hopped back on the ferry and said goodbye to Staten Island.

Have you seen this bridge before? Maybe from
Mob Wives? (I'm a bit embarrassed to know about Mob Wives.)

And our Lady Liberty herself

All within a day in a half - thanks to our bikes! (and mom and dad) We never would have gotten to these places on foot.