Monday, May 24, 2010

Neverending Story

This weekend was very productive! Although, I feel like I've been talking about our move for months - its officially here. We have 4 days left before we are no longer NC residents. I spent my weekend packing and making jewelry while Hubby was away playing golf with his dad. I got a ton done and it feels so great. We will now be eating off of paper plates when we eat at home, which really won't be that much. My workspace looks like I wish it had the whole time. Funny how we get things looking the way they should when we move out. :) The desk is super clean with absolutely no clutter( and only 1/2 of the necklaces)...granted everything other supply/tool is now on the floor or in boxes so 90% of what I work with is not to be found. I'll miss this little sun-filled space (especially since odds are that I won't have any sort of space in NYC. ) Here's what my workspace looks like now (now that I'm not embarrassed to show people.) haha Also, did I mention that I finished wedding #3!
It's getting close to the end...

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice little space. And yes, you probably won't have that little luxury when you get up here!! But hey, that's all part of the adventure.
